Ford ESP ‘address’

Florida has a law that requires dealerships to sell Ford warrantees at crazy prices. For example, a 4 year 60,000 mile ESP can run $5000 on Flood or Ziegler or even at the dealership. But, change the state to Maine or most other places, $2500-$3000 for the same warranty.

Can anyone speak to what happens if you ‘use a friends address out of the state of Florida? Obviously truck still needs to be registered in FL but does Ziegler/Flood etc actually check when purchasing the warranty? Do the dealerships check when going in for work?

I’ve never heard of or seen a law that requires that.

In Florida, it is generally considered illegal to sell a warranty at a discount because under state law, warranties are treated as a form of insurance, meaning discounts on warranties could be considered deceptive or unfair practices subject to regulation by the Office of Insurance Regulation; therefore, offering discounts on warranties may require specific licensing and compliance with insurance regulations.

Sounds like you know enough about this law to know that what you’re suggesting would be probably be illegal

There is no law like that