Unlocking the Ford F-150 Raptor and online etiquette on Unbound

I’ve been playing Unbound since the tail end of vol. 5, while I’m really enjoying the online mode I feel like the way you unlock specific cars you want range from “eh not bad” to “what an awful and painful grind”. At least on the “do X lists with Y car” is not that bad because the racing in this game is pretty fun, however I’m not sure how to approach the ones that requires you to take down other players.

My son wants me to unlock him the Ford F-150 Raptor, but 50 eliminations is a very high ammount. I usually barely eliminate other players (currently at 10/50 on this mission) and I know folks here thinks that intentionally ramming and crashing other cars during a race is rude and annoying, so I tend to avoid to willfully drive like that because I do enjoy some good sportsmanship (unless someone tries to do it to me, then it is revenge time haha)

The thing is, I feel like crashing other racers to the point of depleting their healthbar during a regular race is very hard without using stuff like a heavy car and damage increase mods. Also, I don’t like the idea of getting into a list with randoms and just ruining their races because whoever designed this mission thougth destroying 50 other folks would be a cool challenge.

I know you can grab a friend and cheese this quest together, taking turns at eliminating each other, however none of my friends play this game so that is not an option. So what should I do? Should I just shrug it off and go to races with a damage build, or should I wait for Vol. 8, as the devs told us that they are looking into those grindy unlock missions?

Thanks in advance for the attention, hope you all have a nice day :slight_smile:

There’s an emote that says “Ramming” or something similar, and I just hope randoms get the intent behind it.

The best advice I can give is to tackle the takedown challenges with friends. It’s the quickest and easiest way to unlock them.

I’d recommend avoiding unlock mods. While you won’t get banned, you could lose your save due to sync issues caused by all the changes those modpacks make, which can really take away from the enjoyment of a game that still offers some progression.

Instead, team up with a friend and work together to unlock everything. It’s so quick that you’ll finish before you know it, and your friend will get the unlocks too. Personally, I accidentally unlocked about half of the takedown challenges by knocking out players who were AFK, dealing with unavoidable situations during Gauntlets, and during the race results, especially in drag races.

Honestly, they should have made it so that takedowns in free roam counted towards the challenges. That way, players wouldn’t hesitate to go for them.

Create a strong build and dive in!

It’s street racing, so while clean racing is preferred, it’s still the streets, after all.

The developers intended for you to get takedowns, just like they designed the Regera to be meta and so on.

What platform are you using? If you’re on PC, there are mods available that can unlock all cars in the dealership for you to buy, eliminating the need for grinding.

If you’re on a different platform, you’ll basically have to find a way to cheat the system.

I joined the blackpanthas discord to find people that want to do that