Standard Pattern Everything… You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Hadi said:
Abnett really nails the little things that make military life frustrating. I’m a vet, and I gotta say, some of his stuff hits way too close to home.

So, did you often find yourself fighting blood cults with guys from other planets, or is that just a Warhammer thing?

I’m only on Book 5 (the one this post is about), but so far, it’s mostly Guardsmen vs. Chaos. Highly recommend reading in order. Necropolis (Book 3) is one of the best WH40k novels ever. Absolute must-read.

So basically, Varl is the Lion’s secret grandson, and that clerk was Guilliman’s dumb descendant?

(Yeah, I’m talking about that scene from Angels of Caliban.)

And then they go into battle with like three magazines each… the true horror of grimdark.

Relevant XKCD