Just saw this 2024 802A listed for $5,885 under MSRP… yes, it sold quick… new Raptor prices are still softening…
It’s also bringing used prices down as well. I’d bet that used Rs can be had for 100k in the next year.
Corey said:
It’s also bringing used prices down as well. I’d bet that used Rs can be had for 100k in the next year.
I’d bet that used Rs can be had for 100k in the next year.
They are here now… I saw an R listed last week at $100k but it had some miles on it… looks like it sold… there are a few out there with 20k-40k miles in the $107k range.
Dude, I’m not buying a truck for 5k under new MSRP with 40k miles lol. That was the worst deal ever.
Arun said:
Dude, I’m not buying a truck for 5k under new MSRP with 40k miles lol. That was the worst deal ever.
Worse than 70k over sticker brand new?
Arun said:
Dude, I’m not buying a truck for 5k under new MSRP with 40k miles lol. That was the worst deal ever.
Worse than 70k over sticker brand new?
Worse than 70k over sticker brand new?
Exactly. It’s all relative… never said it was a good deal, lol… anyone seeking out an R is still likely paying a premium today unless you get fortunate to get new at MSRP.
Anyone who pays or has paid a marked-up price just wasn’t willing to drive a ways or be patient. The markups stop when people refuse to pay them.
Reese said:
Anyone who pays or has paid a marked-up price just wasn’t willing to drive a ways or be patient. The markups stop when people refuse to pay them.
I walked away from a dealer this week wanting to charge $5k above on a standard Raptor.
Reese said:
Anyone who pays or has paid a marked-up price just wasn’t willing to drive a ways or be patient. The markups stop when people refuse to pay them.
I get that people have different feelings when it comes to money, but objectively speaking, small markups of 5-10k (especially spread over 5-6 years if you’re financing) shouldn’t matter if you’re buying at this price. If it affects your life, you’re probably making bad financial decisions and shouldn’t be buying an expensive truck.
You’re doing something wrong financially if you’re paying any markup on a vehicle financed for 5-6 years, especially with high interest rates.
Shannon said:
You’re doing something wrong financially if you’re paying any markup on a vehicle financed for 5-6 years, especially with high interest rates.
Shannon said:
You’re doing something wrong financially if you’re paying any markup on a vehicle financed for 5-6 years, especially with high interest rates.
You’re doing the math wrong, bro. 6% on 10k over 5 years means you pay back $14.18k.
The math on the investment was waaay off too. 10k now, with S&P’s 9% YoY return, nets you around $150k in 30 years, not 15k.
Flynn said:
The math on the investment was waaay off too. 10k now, with S&P’s 9% YoY return, nets you around $150k in 30 years, not 15k.
I stopped reading after that first one
I paid MSRP 81k for my 24 Raptor.
Nico said:
I paid MSRP 81k for my 24 Raptor.
Yeah same here, it’s not hard to do if you’re willing to look.
Nico said:
I paid MSRP 81k for my 24 Raptor.
For an 801 or 802?
Yeah, I got my '23 Raptor with 37 package, 20K miles, for $75K. Unheard of. Prices and interest rates equation. Lower price but higher interest rates means the payment isn’t much smaller. But if you can find a bank with 4-5% (some do), then it’s a great deal.
What banks?